I'm off to Uganda again, but this time with a small organization called Come, Let's Dance! Named for a scripture that says 'he turned their mourning into dancing', CLD is all about bringing Hope and Light to a group of street kids, their family, and community just outside of Kampala, Uganda.
Will you join with me as I take a leap of faith and follow where God is asking me to go?

On September 1st I’ll be stepping off a plane in Uganda again, but this time to dive into a new adventure with Come, Let’s Dance (CLD). Over the past six months I’ve been seeking to discover where to head next and my heart continues to point to Uganda. My past investment in my Ugandan friends and God’s work there again draws me to physically join in, to continue to invest in their lives and hearts!
Come Let’s Dance is a non-profit, grassroots organization dedicated to empower African youth to initiate positive social and economic change in their own lives and communities. Orphans and street kids in Uganda are the future mothers, fathers, leaders and role models of African society and our hope is to play our small part in breaking the poverty and orphan cycle. CLD partners with the Ugandan-led Mercy Childcare Ministries in this endeavor:
“For years mass orphanages have been breaking down the family unit by enticing parents to give up their children rather than encouraging them to try to survive as a family. Family empowerment means getting to the root of the orphan cycle and providing families with the support and tools they need to PREVENT the next generation from abandoning their children to the streets.”
~ Come, Let’s Dance website
In talking over the possibilities with Julie and Shane at CLD, we’ve agreed that my skills and especially my previous experience working in Uganda are assets to the leadership team. Specifically, I’ll be serving as administrative support for day-to-day needs, compiling a ‘manual’ of history and daily workings for the various CLD projects going on, helping to host volunteer groups in our guesthouse and providing care and support for the young leadership team. My heart is really excited to come alongside these huge hearts and help them process their ministry, their giftings and God’s character through the challenging experiences they face daily.
Would you partner with me in this new endeavor? My commitment with CLD is until Christmas of this year, 2009. Perhaps I’ll catch a more long-term vision while there – but until then, I’m satisfied with taking small steps of faith and allowing God to pave the way forward in His timing. For these four months I will need a total of $6,500 to cover all expenses. I’ve been saving all year and am able to put $2,000 towards the cost personally. Would you be willing to give towards the remaining balance?
Specifically, this money will go toward the following:
- My room/board expenses ($650 per month) to help cover the team’s total cost for keeping our volunteer guesthouse;
- Daily expenses ($300 per month);
- My plane tickets ($1,600 total);
- CLD projects (another $300 per month)
- Anything above and beyond – (!!! This is the goal !!!) – goes straight into the budgets for the kids’ medical expenses, school fees, etc!
THANK YOU for even considering this opportunity – a small monthly gift really goes a long way!
I look forward to continuing to share stories of hope and love with you as I enter into the CLD team. Of course, finances are only the visceral side of support needed for this endeavor. Spiritually, I’m entering into an organization that experiences opposition because they are about God’s work of Love in a dark and loveless place. Please would you pray with and for me through this fall? I’ll be updating my blog as often as I can, but will also email specifically with prayer points. Please email jennieo330@gmail.com if you’d like to receive these emails from me.
The work of compassion and love is not only in Africa, but in each of your lives as well. I would love to hear how the Lord is working in your lives to heal, restore and redeem. Please keep in touch!
In His Love,
For a tax-deductible donation, please write a check to: Come, Let’s Dance and be sure to put my name, Jennie Otte, clearly in the memo! Send your donations to:
Jennie Otte
c/o Natalie Grillo
{to protect this information, please email jennieo330@gmail.com for the address so I do not need to publish this personal address to the web, thank you!}
and Natalie will forward your gift on to CLD in Steamboat Springs, CO to be processed.c/o Natalie Grillo
{to protect this information, please email jennieo330@gmail.com for the address so I do not need to publish this personal address to the web, thank you!}
***If you’d like to donate using an automatic monthly withdrawal, please email jennieo330@gmail.com and the correct forms will be sent to you.***
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