The railway. You can see the power cables. Completely overgrown and left in ruin.

Some of the old machinery sat in the workshop. Apparently still in resonable condition, but it cannot be used because there is no power or fuel. The guy with me used to work at the station, since 1972 so he told me. They have not been paid for years, but him and few others turn up every day to guard the equiment and show people like us around. Can`t imagine there are many visitors. I have to say i don`t understand why they turn up everday. He told me they went on strike a few years ago but they were completely ignored, so eventually they just came back, presumably as they were unable to find jobs anywhere else. Maybe they have some blind hope it will be restored one day. Crazy!!!
More pictures of the rail lines. I was stood on the platform taking the photo, but even that has been overtaken by jungle.
Not sure what this was. Could have been a taxi, or a bus to transport passengers. Its lying in the grounds of the station.
One of the train carriages, in the old maintenance warehouse
The old entrance to the rail station. You cant really see it here, but there were obvioulsy some gardens in front of the station. They are completely destroyed now.
Old fuel tank.
The old ticket office. Abandoned.
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