Come, Let’s Dance gets its name from a psalm — “You have turned my mourning into dancing.” The organization got its start when Gilbert, who had taught in Steamboat for six years before moving to Los Angeles to make films, traveled to Uganda to make a documentary. She found a community of orphans who were essentially raising themselves, she said.
“It captured my heart. I gave up my film company and moved to Uganda,” she said.
The effort since has been truly grassroots, Gilbert and DeBoer said, fueled by a commitment to empowering a community, no matter how small.
“When you’re there and you look into the eyes of a kid that’s been abandoned or a friend that’s hungry. … It’s the simplest act to come alongside them and see what you can do to help. It’s kind of a journey,” DeBoer said.
The mission behind Come, Let’s Dance is serious, but so is the hope the organization brings, organizers said.
“It’s not always with money; sometimes it’s just with the hope of a better life and, man, do these kids dance. That’s why we had to have a dance party,” Gilbert said.
Miller said she and her band plan to do everything to make that dance party pop.
“We’re coming to bring in the funk, bring in the noise, get them dancing and get them celebrating,” Miller said. “Hopefully, we’ll all catch up with that spirit that Shane has every day of the week.”
Hazel Miller and her band will be bringing the entertainment for the evening, and its sure to include a lot of dancing! We're excited!
Pictures to come!
I only wish these kids could be here to help us dance - they sure do know how to get down! :)