Last Saturday morning I was making coffee at the Medair teamhouse in Kampala when Jo – another Medair staff member who lives there – bounded in with a great idea of getting out of the city & going to the Equator! What an exciting adventure, I know that’s what you’re thinking… so by midday Jo & myself and two other Medair ladies, Mags and Moira, who work at another of our Medair programs in Abim, Uganda, headed for the Equator. It’s about an hour drive once you get out of the traffic-crazed city and its actually an amazing tar road all the way down – we did hit some pretty deep pot holes at points, but the fact that most of the road was asphalt was just unbelievable to me! Plus, it was through a beautiful area of the country. Down south it is amazingly green, rolling hills all around. I forgot how much I love road trips. Plus it was great to get to know some new people, these ladies are all quite fun. Mags & Moira are both from the UK, Jo is from New Zealand. Someone decided to capitalize on the adventure of visiting the actual Equator & now there is a bit of a tourist-trap strip mall, African style, surrounding the Equator. A couple coffee shops/cafes as well as a number of craft stores line the road for about 200 meters or so. We did in fact enjoy the café which boasted chai smoothies and guacamole with chipati chips. Yummy!

The craft strip

Notice the "Did U Know?" stands? You can pay a few dollars to watch water swirl one way on the North side of the Equator and another way on the South side - we didn't pay...

Wow, the standing on the equator. I am amazed at the experiences you're having during your trip. We're praying for you. Lots of love from the Odegaards