My friend Stella went into labor today. We've been expecting the baby to come any day now and I had told Stella to let us know when so we could try to get her to the hospital quickly. It turns out that last night she walked to the hospital with her 2-year old because he was sick, he needed some medicine or what they call here 'treatment'. The walk to the hospital is about 3km. Then, she slept at the hospital with him over night since he was still getting treatment - usually this means sleeping on the ground. At 4am she started to have contractions & later in the morning went to the maternity ward. They wouldn't have her in yet that soon - I guess she wasn't close enough yet. So, at 11am she walked home with her son - another 3 km. At 2pm she came to our base & asked for a ride. I saw her & asked how she was, she said - 'not so fine'. And other than some grunts & grimaces, that was the extent of her expressing the pain she was in. I think her contractions were about 5 minutes apart at this point. I can't quite describe the hospital experience - big idea is few staff, major neglect of patients, and a scary sanitary environment.
I sat with Stella for about an hour. Her contractions got worse & all I could do was watch her pain zap her energy. No epidural & no pitocin here, ladies. Did I mention she hadn't eaten anything in the past day? There wasn't more for me to do, so I left her, promising to be back in a few hours. Her cousin was there with her to help. In these hospitals you have to provide everything for yourself - bedding, food, any time of bedside care. Trace & I went back about 3 hours later & here was Stella & her baby girl! Amazing woman, darling child. We're so thankful for their health & for grace that in such conditions a woman can endure such pain! Wow, I'm in awe of what these african women can endure!
Welcome baby Joanna! We're so glad you're here!!!